Why YOU should write

Ola King
4 min readSep 15, 2018


There is no shortage of content on the internet, but 90% are from bloggers and marketers regurgitating the same things over and over again. We don’t need more of that.

What we need is more everyday people sharing their own unique experiences and perspectives.

The more insights we get into people’s lives, the more understanding and empathy we will develop with one another. We will realize we have more similarities than differences.

I’m hoping that by sharing why I personally write, it may encourage you to do the same too.

As a check-point for life experiences

As we grow, we pick up so many lessons along the way. But if we don’t get a chance to practice those lessons, they can be forgotten. Writing allows you to build a form of check point for your life, that you can refer back to as needed.

The article I wrote about my failed start-up has since helped prevent me from making the same mistakes so many times!

To learn more by teaching

You learn more about a topic when you try to teach it. Teaching someone else something helps uncover the gaps in your own knowledge.

This provides the opportunity to fill those gaps, which in turn makes you better than you were before.

It’s a form of expression

Art is simply a form of self-expression. And writing is a form of art.

Our ability to create art is one of our key differentiators from other animals.

Writing for me is no different from when I was Dj-ing or producing music. It’s just another medium of expression.

And unlike other forms of art that you need some innate talent for, writing is something you can easily learn.

To declutter the mind

Some thoughts are better out of your head, to give you peace of mind. Putting a thought in writing is a way to get it out of your mind, while still preserving it for future reference.

Writing to me is like what the Pensieve is to Dumbledore.

It acts as therapy

Writing down your thought is like talking to a therapist (without the shame). You can completely let down your guard and talk through anything that is on your mind at that moment with your paper (or text editor).

You can later edit or not publish what you would rather not reveal to the world, of course. But the time you are writing your draft is an opportunity to just let all your thoughts out and get some clarity.

It’s a little escape

One of the few times I’m able to shut out the outside world completely is when I put on my headphones on and start writing.

Each article is an opportunity to escape the world and dive deep into my own mind and see what I can uncover from my past experiences.

To give a voice to someone else

There is always someone else out there who is going through exactly what you are going through, but they are just not able to articulate their thoughts. Writing about your own experience gives a voice to that person. After all, representation is everything.

To cause a tiny ripple in the vast ocean of life

What you write could spark an idea in someone else. That idea could potentially be something that could have greater implications than your little article.

To start a conversation

Sometimes talking about something encourages others to speak up too. This could help uncover certain collective issues we all experience, but no one is talking about.

To give a unique perspective

Everyone have their own unique path and experiences. No two people are alike. As long as you are not trying to copy others, writing about your own experience is bound present a perspective the world hasn’t seen before.

To tell your story

Having a personal brand is super important today. Your personal brand is the way you show up to the world. It is the story people think of when they think of your name.

There are so many things in the world that are outside of your circle of influence, but luckily, your personal story isn’t one of them.

If you don’t tell your story, people will make up their own stories in their head. Writing about your thoughts and experience is a way to control that narrative.

To think more clearly

“If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them.”― George Orwell

I’ve noticed my thinking getting a lot more clear, the more I’ve been writing my thoughts down.

It’s a catalyst for personal growth

The more you write, the more you will be encouraged to improve yourself so that you can have something more valuable to share.

An invitation to take on new experiences

Unless you constantly expose yourself to new experiences, you will eventually run out of things to write about. If you want to be a more interesting writer, you will have to lead an interesting life and do what others aren’t doing.

To leave a legacy

“You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” — Marcus Aurelius

One of my daily reminders is: “Memento Mori” . It’s a (slightly grim) reminder of our eventual fate.

All the knowledge or insights we gain in our time here will not be useful when we are gone. Writing and sharing with others is the only way to ensure they live forever.

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Like a lot of my work, this is always in progress. As I learn and observe more, I will update this to reflect my current knowledge.



Ola King

Building SEO products at Moz. 📚 Design, science, tech, systems, and people.