Art Promotes Empathy

Ola King
Sep 13, 2018


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You can’t really teach empathy

But exposure to other minds certainly help

Nothing creates the required level of exposure into the minds of others than art

Art promotes empathy

Any work of art is a peek into the creator’s mind

A vehicle to a frozen state in another person’s mind, in a moment in time

For a second, minute, or hour, it’s the closest connection to feeling what someone else is feeling

A subtle and warm reminder that others see the world differently from us– and that’s a beautiful thing.

Shot this on my last trip to Montreal

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Like a lot of my work, this is always in progress. As I learn and observe more, I will update this to reflect my current knowledge.



Ola King

Building SEO products at Moz. 📚 Design, science, tech, systems, and people.